In these past 10 years, the best practices for better product pages on e-commerce websites have been set. Here's a quick run down:
1. Post high quality product images (but within reasonable file sizes, so your pages load quickly)
2. Write an informative 100-words summary line containing the key details.
3. Try to put some 'benefit angle' to the product features and descriptions.
Just do not copy and paste descriptions straight from the manufacturer's website/brochure. Start thinking about the 'benefit angle' for each product feature.
4. Free shipping works
A popular trick is to consider the shipping costs into your product price.
5. Give assurances
Consider things such as money-back guarantee, mention manufacturer's warranty prominently, write about service centers and after sales service, and provide some useful customer testimonials and reviews from end users/notable people.
Other customer-confidence boosting ideas: Write about your company, how old it is, or what praises it has won, and so on.
6. Mention if the product is 'out of stock'. Otherwise, write 'in stock' alongside the price.
7. Increase your product pages' business potential by suggesting 'related products' and 'necessary accessories. Upsell.